1944 June 17 Letter from John Shaw to Nena

6/13/44Germany launches the first V-1 “flying bomb” on Britain.

German V-1 Flying Bomb

6/15/44: U.S. troops make an amphibious assault on the Japanese held island of Saipan.

6/17/44 England

From John Shaw to Nena Shaw

Hi Honey:

Will answer your last letter of June 7.  So it was a big day there.  Well I supposed everyone has been expecting it so long that it is a relief to know that it has started and hope it will be over soon.

I am glad to know you are feeling good again and if you are busy too it will make time go by faster till we finish up here and get back.

Tell Chuck it would be much better to finish up school before making plans for by that time things may be changed a lot and then he would be thankful that he had finished.

Well there is not much news so will quit for now.  Write as often as you can and I will try to do the same.

Remember I love you.  Yours, John

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