1944 February 26 “. . . just lay awake thinking of you.”


Italy  V-Mail #82


I’m afraid I didn’t sleep much last night, just lay awake thinking of you.  It doesn’t make much difference because I don’t have any work to do.  But it is stupid of me, just like dreaming of having a million.

Get hold of a December 27th Life Magazine and look on pages 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 78, 82, 83.  They are all scenes and places with which I am very familiar.  Some of the pages have no numbers (48-81) but you can number them yourself.  The paintings are good but the pencil sketches from which they were made are excellent.  They are all most lifelike (or should I say deathlike).

I’m about to go nuts sitting up here doing nothing.  The OM has been kidded into believing people on this job have been working hard.  If I tell him the truth, it will make two of the boys look even less like a man, so I guess I’ll just sit and see what happens.

I’m still trying to figure the angles on a night stooge squadron.

Honey, keep on loving me even if I am confused.   Love, Cy.

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