1942 August 14 “Your mother is strutting”

Editor’s note: 

8/7/42British General Bernard Montgomery takes command of Eighth Army in North Africa in an effort to stop Rommel’s advances.

In the Pacific, the Battle for Guadalcanal begins and continues until Japanese are finally defeated on 2/8/43.

8/9/42M. Ghandi is arrested and imprisoned for two years for his leadership of the movement to deny support to Britain and to keep India out of the war.

August 1942  Oak Park, IL

From: Cyrus & Laura Stafford

To: Emma Stafford, Australia

Dearest Em,

Your mother broke her glasses on Sunday, hence I am pinch hitting for the family this week.  I will not attempt to convey all of the news, but enough to let you know about us.  First—on Saturday we all thought of you and wished that you could have dropped in on us and spend your birthday with us.  It was nice and hot, so we managed to go to the park for a while.  Shortly after our arrival, a storm came up, and we took refuge in the house.  Your Mother has told you that this is prepared for a Shelter in the event we need it later on.  We only get as far as the porch, but we did not get wet.  There was some damage in other parts of the city, but we only had wind and rain.

Nena and Charlie went out for a week in Livonia Missouri with John’s folks.  I am sure they will enjoy it.  Nena has worked very hard all year and needs a vacation.  Charlie has worked all summer, also.

Each year, the various Bible Classes in our church combine, and this year, as they had no one else to teach, they asked me to take the month of August.  I have officiated four of the Sundays, and last Sunday, a young Theological student came home, so I asked him to take it next Sunday.  It will be a diversion for the class, and I think the experience will be good for him.  The class is quite responsive; I did not find the task at all difficult.

Today, your mother is strutting.  Last Tuesday, Blenda’s sister, Bernice, had your Mother over for tea with her, in honor of her Mother.  Today, your Mother has them out for lunch.  She told me this morning that all things were ready, so I’m sure she will enjoy it.

Your Mother asked me to say that she is now engaged in Red Cross Work at the Church.  She is, I think, in better health than she has been for several years.

And lastly, we are both very happy to receive a letter from you; the second from Australia.  I have not read it, but she phoned me that it had arrived, and I can hardly wait until I get home.

With just lots of love from Dad and Mother.

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