1940 May 25 The car is your engagement ring

Barksdale Field, La.
This mill isn’t in such hot shape and I haven’t used one for six months, but this should be more readable than my scrawling.
Fine business on the $13 per week. As officers, we should not feel so good about accepting same, but between us we have sure put in much more than that in the years we’ve worked. That $13 will sure fix things up fine if you can get it. I mailed you a check for $20 a few days back which should help out. For the time being, it is important that we save all our cash and not try to pay back any of our debts that can be avoided. In a couple of months the strain will let up and we can go ahead and get in the clear. Also, let’s get that stuff from Burns as soon as possible. I may need a copy for marriage license or something.
All married officers in our group are living off the post, as there are no quarters available. This is fine as it avoids buying furniture for a while. Probably we will be here for only three months. Don’t faint, but one of the five official rumors says that we are being trained as attack pilots for Alaskan duty. Maybe I’ll need something to keep me warm one of these days. Our status at present is definitely on the officer side but we will have a hell of a lot of hard studying to do for a while. I’ll need a lot of support.
So you like being the owner of a new car. I wish I didn’t have to do it this way, but for the time being that is your engagement ring! I won’t be able to give you definite word on how you’ll get to Detroit until I hear from Poe’s as to exactly when it will be ready, and from the local Army finance office as to how much money we’re going to get this month. It will probably be about $100. If such is the case, we should get nearly $260 next month. I don’t know whether we will get flying and travel pay included on this month’s dope. OK on the trip to Glen Ellyn. Just watch the gas and don’t scratch any fenders.
There will be a throttle-stop on the car when you get it that will hold you down to about 35 or 40 mph. It will be exasperating, but leave it on. More important than that, when you’re starting, don’t push the accelerator all the way down, but just feed it in gradually. If you break it in conservatively, we’ll save a couple of hundred bucks on motor and body repairs later. Also, in passing another car, remember that you have no reserve power with the throttle-stop. You’ll have about 350 miles on it before you leave Chicago, so better take it to a Plymouth garage and have them make a “500” mile check up.
If you get it on the 10th, you should be able to leave on the 13th. Is Mary Arnold coming down with you? How about Tom and Maggy for best man and maid of honor?
Lots of love, Cy.

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