1940 April 22 Plans to buy a car

Brooks Field, Tx.
Honey Bunch:
I’ve been trying to write for weeks, but it has been busy as hell around here.
C98WV is a bastard from away back, but it’s ok. Frankly, I’ve never thought a hell of a lot of the staff at Moody’s, with the exception of Bill. I hope your temporary job works out ok. If it doesn’t, let me know and I can tide you over until something breaks.
Here is one possible plan for your consideration, as with all of the plans we make, we’ll have to consider them as tentative. Also, don’t mention them to anyone.
I believe I shall borrow about $300 from the bank at Fort Sam*. Then, after I get placed approximately (about the 20th of June), have you buy a car in Chicago and drive to wherever I am with Chucky. (You’d have to drive slow for a while—Can Chuck drive well yet?) He could probably be farmed out for a week or two (while we went to town) and then spend the next couple of weeks (until my 3 months training is up) with you. That should be enough to keep both of you out of mischief. Well, it’s just a thought. New Plymouth 2 door sedan is the best buy on the market this year. I believe travel would be cheap for you that way, and you might enjoy the trip more than if alone. I’m sure Chuck wouldn’t kick, hi! Let me know what you think. The car might be cheaper up there, but Mickey seems to have some nice strings down here.
Marje wants you to come down and stay with her, but since that would mean moving up a month on everything, I don’t think it wise. I believe I almost agreed at the beer bust at Kelly on Saturday, but I was lonesome and blue and had about 16 beers.
Saturday morning 4 of us went swimming in a nearby river. It was a lot of fun, but I was in poor shape. It was quiet a let-down from the 2 miles per day I used to swim in Camden.
If luck holds out, I’ll fly a night cross-country tonight and the full moon will make it a swell, although lonesome trip.
That’s about all for now. If I’ve already sent you a copy of the picture of Brooks barracks, please give Mother a look at it for she might enjoy it.
Lots of love to my angel, Cy.

*Fort Sam Houston Army base in San Antonio, Tx.

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