1944 December 9: After your last letter I raped my pajamas

12/8/44 Pacific-Iwo Jima: American air forces begin a two month bombing campaign against the Japanese island fortress in preparation for the invasion planned for February.

12/9/44  “November 38, 1944” Italy

Hi Snooks:

            Wrong month again, so I just added some days.

            I had another letter from Nena yesterday.  She is married and probably has good reason to be.  But I just can’t seem to force myself to worry any more.  Even when I was in the business, it was that way.  John’s smart enough that he probably won’t have much trouble.

            What in hell did I leave at home that you can put in my clothes gadget?  It’s been so long since I was there that I can’t remember leaving anything but my long o’coat.  How about a sketch?

            Hey! Would you like a leather covered hand-tooled box for your “joolry” if I sent it to you?  They specialize in them here.  What size—do you prefer brown, mahogany or black?  –plain, tooled a little or a lot—with or without little gold fleur di lis?  It might be a nice place to put  bracelets & stuff.

            That’s about it, Toots.  Your last letter was so sweet I raped my pajamas, if you know what I mean.

            All my love, Cy.

16 more days ‘til Merry Christmas

Hand drawn Christmas card from the Vulcano family to Cy


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