1944 September 3 From John Shaw–A lazy Sunday

9/3/44 From John Shaw to Nena Shaw

Hi Honey:

And a good morning to you.  I hope you are up by now as it should be about 9 AM there.  I have had a very lazy Sunday so far.  Did nothing but exercise this AM and this afternoon have had a bath, hair cut and done my washing, so I feel very much better.  By the way you would like our bath room.  It is very large with a nice green carpet, the ceiling is sky blue with a few clouds and the walls are, on the west a barb wire fence, and the others are very much open except for a few apple trees, jeeps and pup tents.  It is very well ventilated, in fact a bit cool at times when the sun is not out.

I received your letter of the 22nd today, also the 9th, 19th & 21st yesterday.  They are the first for the last couple of weeks and no package so far but guess things are moving too fast now for it to catch up but should get them later–maybe after this is over, which can’t be too long according to the news reports on the radio.

I hope you have noticed the big moon.  I couldn’t help thinking of you when I saw it this morning for it was about the time you would be getting home if you were out.

I have at least done one of the things I most wanted to do over here that was see Paris.  From what I saw it sure must be some town in normal times.  Even now there is plenty of life there, but it was too soon to buy much except some drinks the Jerries didn’t take.  Beer, wine, but no whiskey.  Will tell you more when I see you.

It is about chow time so will quite for now.  Oh yes, keep on getting fat, you know that is the way I like you—fat and healthy & happy.

So long for now.  I do love you a hell of a lot.

Yours John

France 1944–Photo by John Shaw

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