1944 August 24 Stories behind “souvenirs” sent home

8/24/44  Corsica

Hi Mrs. Stafford:

Now that you have them, I can give you the dope on the stuff I sent home.

The shorts were captured (Italian) right before the fall of the Tunis near where our airfield was.  We all wore them until later when we got cooler British ones.  The had is Pop Vulcano’s dress Fascist job which he was required to wear on festive occasions.

Italian Fascist Hat

The knife was given to me by a 15 year old Italian paratrooper in Piazza Armerina, Sicily.  He took quite a shine to me.  I set up a rest camp for the squadron in the place.  It is a combat knife.  Better oil it (How’s the 22 look now?)

The flower and patch are insignia of an Austrian Alpine division (given to Lilliana Vulcano by a boyfriend in the outfit).  The plane pin is an ME-109 and such were quite popular gifts from Jerry officers to small Italian children.  The hunk of steel which is cone-shaped is part of Jerry 500 kilo bomb dropped on us in chow line one night in Africa.  It was my first daylight bombing and was most disconcerting as there were no foxholes and we were in an open valley.  The square (small) hunk is first 88mm. Jerry flak to hit an airplane I was flying.  It was on my first raid (day before bombing) on Rommel’s private airdrome.  Great sport.

Watchband was kind of bad, wasn’t it.

Chuck has always been just “fun” for Nena, and the rest of us have done the work.

I’m glad the folks will get to see all our stuff.  I’m kind of proud of the taste we (and our friends) have shown in its selection.

At long last I’m busy.  It is strictly communications—supply, frequencies, etc.  It is too soon to say, but looks good at present.

I’m glad old T.P. got his promotion.  I can’t figure out what he’s doing in a radar school.  Tell him to keep his twat out of combat.  Things aren’t easy like they used to be.  The ground set-up is nicer, but air combat is being played for keeps.

I love you, darling,  Cy

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