1944 August 10 Letter from John Shaw after battle for St. Lo

8/10/44 France

From John Shaw to Nena Shaw

Hi Honey:

Well I am really living now.  2 letters yesterday and 2 more today and to help we have been having a real vacation the kind you hear about and seldom get.  We have been entertained by a band and a red cross club mobile outfit that had a record machine then a movie at night.  A real good picture (Lady in the Dark) with Ginger Rogers and she sang a song that we enjoyed at Helsing’s bar so much.  The one that screwball did so well Julie couldn’t make up her mind.  Remember if not the next time you are in there have him do it.  It sure made me homesick to hear it again.

The next day we had a special service band again.  They were a good jazz band with a lot of the good numbers done up the way we heard them back there.  Then today the red cross was out again with coffee and donuts—the best coffee since the states.  Also a few real American gals that was a pleasure to see after what we have been looking at.  And by the way where are all those gals that are supposed to be a dime a dozen.  We have not seen any much less that many for so little.  Maybe as one of the fellows suggests we don’t have any dimes here.  So include a few in my next package.  No don’t bother.  It is funny but even these guys that were the biggest wolves before don’t seem to be bothered at all with the women here.  No time for that now.  Everyone is more interested in finishing up here and getting back home as you know I am.  And really it won’t be too long now.  Xmas for sure.  We will celebrate by sitting at home alone getting lit up instead of the tree and there will be so much to tell you including how much I love you that we won’t have time to do much else.

John Shaw, France, 1944

I don’t envy you and your job for I know what help conditions must be there but it is swell that you don’t let it bother you and you can still joke about it for there is not much more you could do.  And it won’t be long till help will be plentiful again.  Then you can do as you want to.  And I think you have done a good job to come up to 3rd.  Also by building up your business and equipment for while you are new they won’t expect so much and you are in position to do a good job.  When you get going by keeping some ahead and not letting things run so low that you have to spend a lot in one month.  It was better losing out one month and being sure in the future.

Well I will quit for now and write again in a day or so.

All my love, yours John.

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