1944 July 3 New address, HQ Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force

7/3/44 V-Mail, Italy


Dear Mrs. Stafford:

This is to inform you that your little boy (to wit specifically, 1 ea., husband, G.I.) is very much in love with you, and isn’t worth a damn without you.  Further, he calls you by the above formal name because he spent so damn many years trying to get it tied to you, & it flatters his ego to know that you are stuck with same.  (My figure improves—swam 1 mile today).

My new address (I love you—kiss me quick while no one is looking) is:

HQ MATAF   P.S. (Med. Area Tactical A.F.)

APO #600, NY, NY

Although some letters may come through showing “HQ XII AF”, tain’t so.  I am still in signal squirting business, where I hope to stay.  My job is a bastard, and carries no nothing with it.  My boss is a pilot & presumably a B.T.O.  I am, as usual, your CB and no one can change me.

That last kiss was so good, how about another one?

The war has taught me one thing—the only truly important thing in my life is living with you.

Very truly yours,  Cyrus B. Stafford, Maj.A.C.

P.S. I love you, Mutt

P.S. #3 How’s about coming up to my room after the dance tonight! Oh, boy!


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