1944 May 25 “I have dysentery again”

5/25/44Germans retreat from Anzio and the Allies begin the drive to capture Rome.

5/25/44 V-Mail, Italy

Hi Beautiful:

While you’re getting pictures taken for my pin-up collection, how about a rear view of some bare shoulders and an up-do?

Talked to some older men here who are in furniture business and they definitely say we would be nuts to buy any now.

Summer is here.  I can’t tell by the temperature, but I have dysentery again.  I am taking sulfa-quanadine which always works beautifully on me.

Did you hear what the Wac Lieutenant said to her douche?  She said, “Get in there and clear up that officer’s mess.”

I have my orders for the school.  Everyone thinks it is swell.  These people just don’t get jealous.  It will look nice on the record and I may learn something.

Ball game this afternoon.  Hope we win.

I love you, honey.  Your Cy.

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