1944 April 10 I am just not cut out to be a soldier



Happy Birthday & I hope your bracelet & necklace arrived.  I shall write more completely later as the setup is TARFU.  I shall elaborate in brief.

  1. Don’t be peeved at Harsh.  He left here in horrible shape and I believe found his mother had just been killed.  Better check this.
  2. Pictures came and are swell. Morale is up many points. (Boys asked my permission to whistle gently).
  3. I had a wonderful rest in Tunis.
  4. My situation is as follows:
    1. Field Officers are not rotated. If I go home, it will be for a specific job.
    2. I have too much rank for anyone to want me.
    3. The OM fowled up and I shall not be promoted.
  5. I am working on a deal to get a squadron which does special work like I once did at P.U. The only difference is that it is done in air.  This may lead to something.  If nothing else, I shall be in another AF where rotation is possible.  I’m also dickering for a job in AF HQ.
  6. Don’t get discouraged. It can’t last forever.  I love you & shall be some as soon as possible.

Your own, Cy.

4/10/44 Italy, V-Mail #93


I’m all upset but hope to get my second wind today or soon.  Darling, I am just not cut out to be a soldier.  I don’t have the ability to be at ease and not work.

Please do this for me.  Make me get out of the Army when I can as it is no place for me.  It is going to take a year or so for you to get me back to the old Cy you married.  It has not been the combat, but the strain of working for people who cannot be respected or trusted.  Outside of Norm, Jimmy Crabbe, and Fitzmaurice, there are few for whom I can really work and feel at ease.  Well, the damn war can’t last forever.  I sometimes think it would be nice to be dumb and not think about these things and have blind faith in the brass hats.

–Nuts—more later.

2 days later!

Hey!  I ran into a batch of ground officers I used to work with when Ed Hutton was working with me.  Drop him a line.

Maybe I should fly over and see Jack Doyle!

Well, Honey, I love you regardless of the fact that I am not good at sucking.

Your permanent major.  Cy.

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