1944 April 2 Staying with the Gozlands in Africa

4/2/44  V-Mail #91, Africa


It’s 5 A.M. and I can’t sleep.  I’ve been awake for hours trying to get to sleep, but no can do.  I just think about you, and then think some more.

There isn’t a thing I can get for Gozlands as a guest gift over here, but I must do something as nice as possible.  So here is the deal.  Gabby (Ruth Hathaway, 2nd Lt ANC, 54th Station Hospital, APO #763, NY NY) is going to write to you for the following and then give them to Gozlands when they arrive.  You can use her letters for shipping authority and mail direct to her.

For Rita—a quilted kimono—nice one.

For Mama—a button type sweater—light weight.

For Marcel—3 pair of very nice pajamas.

Please don’t worry about cost as their insistence that I stay here has already saved me 50 bucks.  And try to buy the stuff soon as it will be 2-3 months time at the best.

Angel, I love you.  I guess those there words say what I feel as effectively as anything can.  I feel better now I’ve talked to you.

Yours, Cy

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