1944 March 26 84th Squadron relocates to Naples

3/22/4484th Bomb Squadron is now stationed at Capodichino [Naples], Italy

3/24/44 V-Mail, Italy


What a life.  I came back from OS to pick up my leave orders (10 days) and found everything in a hell of a flap, although a damned interesting one.  It looks like I might go today.  You’ll read about it in the papers one of these days.

I’ve been reading the February 28 Newsweek.  It says there is “near starvation” in Southern Italy.  That is a lot of cock.  Most of the people are eating as well as I did a year ago.  Of course, they don’t eat like kings, but they never did.  Ring Lardner also had an interesting article.

Ooooh!  Was I drunk three nights ago.  I went to town to officers’ club (in former #1 night spot) and ran into all of the old pilots in the squadron.  They’ve all finished and are awaiting orders—so we really hung one on.  Strangely, I had no hangover.

I’m still out of a job.  The promotion is “in process,” and I’m getting a little less griped.  I’ve about decided to take full advantage of my status and get as much rest and relaxation as possible.

All my love, kitten.  Cy.

Author’s note:  Also in early 1944, Jackson Pollock completed one of his most famous works entitled “Mural”:

“Mural” by Jackson Pollock

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