1944 March 14 “Today is the bitterest pill I have ever had to take”

3/14/44  Italy  V-mail

Hi Honey:

I’m sorry this isn’t a very nice letter, because I just can’t help it.  Today is about the bitterest pill I have ever had to take.  With all the blowing the OM does about promotion, Chuck Cassidy became eligible Mar. 6 and got his Lt Colonel yesterday.  Mine has been in 6 months, I’ve been eligible 9, and I still don’t have it.  It’s not that I begrudge Chuck the promotion, but it is god damn hard to see a kid who was a 2nd Lt. when I was a Capt. rank me.

The cock I work for now is no better than Van.  I’ve tried to see the better side of the man, but he is a drunk, completely spineless, and afraid to fly.  He has 5 missions in a year of combat.

Damnit, Honey, I’m so mad I could cry.  Maybe the flak has gotten me, but I just have never been so upset.  The place is over-run with kids with ½ the total service, ½ the overseas duty, and ½ the ability I have—all ranking me.  That’s a hell of a reward for fighting my way overseas and into combat.  Darling, I love you and need you.  Me.

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