1944 March 8 Listening to Axis Sally

3/8/44 Italy

Hi Angel:

What a life.  Your little boy is very lucky.  Last night, while coming home from dinner on board with Howard Cadigan (RN* friend of mine), my driver went to sleep.  Fortunately, I had him driving on 20 mph as I always do at night.  Aside from a few minor bruises and 1 scratch each, no damage was done, that is to us.  The jeep is a wash-out.  There was an American outfit a mile down the road, and their doc gave me a complete check-up, and could find nothing.  I saw Vulcanos for 10 minutes today, and they were most solicitous.  They made me promise I wouldn’t tell you for fear you would worry!  Well, we can both laugh at it now, as I have a bruise on each cheek, and I don’t mean of my face.

You should hear Howard tell jokes from the deep South!  His negro accent isn’t bad.  He’s a bit Irish and has a keen sense of humor.

The enclosure is a nice piece of eyewash.  It is an extract from the order which awards it to me.  I only hope the last sentence has been true for that is my aim.  That’s the flight for which I received the “wing & a prayer” write-up in the news.  I also have my second Air Medal Cluster—so what.

I had another long talk with Bob Paul yesterday.  He will not take a stand but I feel that he wants me to quit trying to accomplish anything before I get hurt.  I can’t agree with him even if he sincerely has my well-being at heart.  For the time being, I shall sit and wait.  I’m on OS and shall attempt to stay here until my promotion either bounces or comes through.  After that, I shall ask for a bathe of leave and then see what cooks.  I’m getting a nice rest and am about ready to start all over.

We’re listening to “Axis Sally.”**  She’s a hell of a good announcer and plays only the best—the best jive.  The propaganda she puts out is good but not good enough to fool anybody.  Back in Africa the men were so pleased to hear an “American” voice (female) that what she said didn’t enter into it.

Damn it, listening to good dance music makes me so damn homesick for my little ol’ wife.  It sure would be nice to have a handful of Little Martha, all decked up in an evening gown, with a flower in her hair, with a good floor and good music.

I just called Burt and told him about the wreck so he wouldn’t worry if he heard any wild stories.  He looks after me like a Mother, in a not obnoxious way.  He’s excellent.

I’m asking Mom Huntoon to send me a subscription to GE News for a year and send you the bill.  Don’t let her forget it.

And don’t forget I just love hell out of you, Snooks, no matter whether I accomplish anything here or not.    Your Cy.

*Royal Navy

** See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rita_Zucca;

3/8/44 Italy V-Mail #86

Hi Gremlin:

Just got a letter from John.  He figures maybe he will get sea duty one of these days.  That might be an interesting baby to raise the last half of the year.

Why don’t you let Beverly eat shells?  You’re mean!  They’re probably good for her, calcium etc.  Snails are good too.

I’m looking forward to the color pictures.  They are so much more life-like than the black & white.

The jungle cruises sound interesting.  You should also take a bus over the Tamiami trail—maybe see George & Katherine, as well as on down to Key West.  Something you’ll love, and do it, is go to Pan-American’s Miami Terminal & see the big flying boats come in.

Pan American Miami Terminal

We listened to radio Budapest tonight.  I hope we can cover all this country someday.  I’ve learned that only real lesson in enjoying travel—enjoy trying to speak the language and don’t be embarrassed.  A foreigner will treat you wonderfully if you try to understand him and his country.

I’m going to ask Dad to get me some ribbons soon.  Write to him and tell him where to get them made up.  The last ones were well done.

All my love, Cy.

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