1944 February 20 Promotion, DFC and other crap are “pending”

2/20/44The American and British Air Forces begin an all-out bombing campaign against strategic targets in Germany, including factories, rail lines, power plants and military facilities.  Hundreds of bombers with fighter escorts are launched every day.  Losses are heavy.

2/20/44  Italy #79

Hi Marfy:

I found two letters when I came in last night.  That’s encouraging to no end.

Well, I’m OS now.  Drove my jeep with all my belongings for about three hours and am sitting here in my new home without a damn thing to do but look forward to supper and the sack.  The wind is about to blow the tent down, but it doesn’t make a hell of a lot of difference.  Perhaps I’m wrong, but it looks like my days as a combat pilot are over, as the general trend seems to be to put Stafford on a staff.

Don’t get excited about the promotion for the damn thing is still “pending”.  Although I was promised it 6 months ago, I’ll believe it when I see it.  Also, the DFC and other crap.

I guess I just need a rest or something for nothing seems to really interest me.

Love, Cy.

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