1944 February 4 Spent the day with Burt Fleet

2/1/44 Mission:

   In Italy, B-25s bomb the Albano Laziale road junction; P-40s bomb Cori,
while A-36s hit Poggio Mieteto and P-47s attack the station at San Valentino; fighters cover the Anzio battle area.

2/2/44 Mission:

   Major General Gordon P Saville becomes Commanding General, XII Air Support Command.
   In Italy, B-25s attack the Marino road junction and A-20s bomb Norma; A-36s and P-40s bomb villages, road junctions, trucks, trains, parked aircraft, supply dump, and the Viterbo road during several fighter-bomber missions; P-40s on patrol over the battle areas attack Cisterna di Latina and Formia.

2/3/44 Mission:

   Medium bomber missions are all aborted. In Italy, A-36s hit roads and other targets S of Rome, destroying or damaging numerous trucks and bombing the towns of Sezze and Fondi as US ground forces meet strong resistance in their drive toward Cassino; P-47s hit Manopello and railroad facilities at Sulmona; and fighters patrol the Anzio area.

2/4/44 Italy

   In Italy, weather prevents all medium, light and fighter-bomber missions; P-40s and Spitfires maintain patrols over the Anzio area, where a strong German counter-offensive had been launched during the night of 3/4 Feb.

2/4/44 Italy

Hi Gremlin:

What’s cooking—and I wish I was there to help eat it.

The food situation is pretty good here.  The army supplied us with some sausage today which was somewhat like salami, which was quite good.  And the thing which really helps is that I am able to eat with the Vulcanos every once in a while.  I am acquiring quite a taste for Italian food, and have even learned how to handle the long spaghetti with no trouble or embarrassment.

You will never guess what happened to me yesterday.  That stupid idiot, Burt Fleet, dropped in on me in a DC-3.  Boy, was I happy.  We got to spend the whole afternoon together, and it was just like old times.  He is a group CO and one jump ahead of me on the rank.  That is one boy I like to see have it.  Outside of being about as fat as I was when I left the States, he hasn’t changed a bit. Please write Marion and tell her that I spent the afternoon with him, and he is well, happy, and doing a hell of a good job—and not too dangerous.  Also, write those Gerrity lugs and tell them to get on the ball.  Burt didn’t even know whether he had a niece or another nephew!  That’s a fine thing.  The least Mag could do is let the various uncles in on the situation.  After all, we did kiss the bride and feel a little responsible for these things.

We ate lunch here and chewed the fat for a while, grabbed a jeep and drove out to look at some old beat-down ruins, and then drove back.  He says the new hair-do does it.  Honey, I’m going to go quietly nuts until I get time to mess up that one up (or down).  Boy it gets under my skin in a most pleasant sort of way.  You don’t know how pleasant it is to be able to drag out almost any old picture of my wife and say, “There it is,” and not have to add “she has a nice personality.”  I’ve never yet had to make an excuse for your natural beauty.  Among other things, anyone who knows people can look at your snaps and see the personality, brains, and beauty, without having to have them pointed out.  How in hell did we get off on that subject?  Well, I felt damn near like bawling when I saw the old lug taxi out and whee down the runway.  Looks like I shant be able to see him again for some time.  As the latest expression goes, “C’est la god damn guerre.”

Harsh was over to make a special visit a couple of days ago.  I spent all afternoon with him.  Both he and Burt have been pleased with your letters.  I am damn proud that my wife knows my friends well enough to do that, for I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Vance’s long awaited opportunity looks like it is here.  Due to his fine work, and maybe a couple of letters I wrote and conferences I had with the OM, it looks like he is going up on the group staff into a major’s vacancy.  That means he should have it in a couple or three months.  I am having insignia embroidered on a couple of shirts and caps.  It looks swell, doesn’t have to be polished, and I probably shall not have to change it any time soon.  I’ve about decided to become the oldest, most experienced major in the Air Corps.  That will at least be some consolation.  I also have the satisfaction of knowing that my immediate CO recommended me for the boost many months ago, and that the tie-up is that the HQ have promoted so many office boys that there isn’t any room for the poor working man.

I told Chocolate in a letter to give you the hug and kiss I won’t be able to give you myself.  I wouldn’t give many people that opportunity, but just remember how much I want to do it myself.

Be a good child and don’t worry, don’t let yourself get too lonesome, and keep on getting prettier every day like you always have.

I love you.  Good night.  Cy.

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