1944 January 6 “My icterus index is down”

1/6/44 Italy
Decided to send some more enclosures. The printed black sheets are part of the paper bombs we dropped in Africa when Gen’l Rommel left. We usually preceded these attacks by 12 or more tons of bombs on a very small area. There were damned effective in tearing down morale. It was a capital offense for a German soldier to be caught with same.
The printed card is a souvenir I picked up about 5 months ago on a trip.
The 10 lire money is pre-war, or at least pre-invasion. The 10 and 5 Allied are ones we printed up for the invasion.
Hey! Remember a rather nice lad, about 30, my size (only heavy like I used to be) who played bridge at Norm & Red’s, C. Smith? Well, I was in the same room with him here. It’s a small world.
My icterus index is down to 13, which means I’m almost well.
Lots of love, Toots, Cy.

1/6/44 V-Mail
You are a very beautiful little nut, but that sure doesn’t help me now. I sometimes wonder if these men with ugly wives aren’t better off! But then I wouldn’t change you for anything.
Boy it’s cold. Sunny Italy—phooey! It’s just like “sunny” California. It sure is funny to look out the window and see palm trees and know there is snow within a few miles.
Have you heard about little Audrey’s latest! She joined the Wacs and came to Sicily. It wasn’t long before the monthly inspection and the doc told her she was slightly pregnant. She just laughed and laughed because she knew in a couple of months that an “Italian Balm” would remove the little chap.
I often wonder just what you’re doing these days. Most of the day, though, I know you’re asleep as it is night there.
I was put in for a Silver Star and a promotion many moons ago, but you can relax as I am fairly sure that neither will come through. Damn it all, I won’t play politics for anybody or anything. I’ve come this far without it and I won’t change now.
Except for no Martha, I’m almost well, happy and well fed. I’m starting a campaign to fix that before 1945.
Love Cy.

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