1944 January 5 “I got accused of looking like Clark Gable today”


 Transfers in Italy:
   HQ XII Bomber Command and HQ 57th Bombardment Wing from Bari and Foggia
respectively to Trocchia.

1/5/44 Italy
I’m in another hospital now! This one is a honey. The nurses are all homely, but both they and the docs are pleasant as hell.
The clippings are from the weekly Stars & Stripes which is put out of Africa, censored so we can send it home.
Hey Toots, buy and read in small bits Joe Davies’ “Mission to Moscow”. It explains a lot of things which have happened and are happening.

My God, I’m homely! I got accused of looking like Clark Gable today. I’m taping my ears down tonight.
Local crop of nurses all vote you best looking of patients’ wives. I agree.
P.S. As if you didn’t know, I love you.

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