1943 October 27 “Sorry my pants were not pressed”

10/27/43 Mission:

Weather severely curtails NATBF missions and XII Air Support Command operations in support of ground forces. Fighter-bombers attack Gaeta, Italy and bomb small vessels on the Dalmatian coast at Opuzen, Yugoslavia.

10/27/43 #1


Here’s a snap taken in Italy. Obviously I am suffering from war nerves and malnutrition.

Cy (left) with Paul Thompson in Italy 1943

The two pictures I sent of me in shorts were taken while breezing through Malta.

That’s all for now.  Sorry my pants were not pressed or very straight.

10/27/43 V-Mail #2, Italy

Hi Baby:

I got the pictures today, as well as a nice letter and picture of little TP from Mag yesterday.  Boy, am I going to have fun messing up your hair when I get home.  You don’t notice it, but it is longer.  Mother and Dad look swell.  I imagine Mother will have much less trouble with her hair now.  I’ll let you cut yours when you get her age.  Pappy looks better than he has in years.







I’m so darned lonesome that it hurts.  But of course, old man of iron Stafford has to go along and keep the wheels turning.  It is hard, but if you can keep feeding me on letters and pictures, I’ll hold out until I can get my ration of love.

I arranged a turkey dinner last night in a little town near here.  When we had driven half an hour, my jeep leaked all of the water out of the radiator.  We filled it out of a well, and then went back for another jeep.  When we finally got there we had chicken broth with wine, fried turkey, fried sliced white meat in butter, and beautiful French fried potatoes.  This was followed by white vermouth spiked with V.O.  Try it, it is an excellent drink.

Jim Duffy, one of my pilots and a Captain, may go through there in a month or so.  He is going to look you up if he does.  He is one of the finest men I know, much like Tom.  You can trust him, so feed him well.  He doesn’t drink much, if any, and is a good clean kid.  Also very Irish.

Honey, these pictures of you and of TP make me awfully homesick, but I feel close to both of you.  I feel about the same about TP as I do about Chuck.  You’ll have to give me a short course on love when I get home, but you’ll find I’m a very able student.  Hope you’ve gotten the Malta stuff by now.

All my love this time.  Your own Cy.


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