1943 October 14 “Black Sheep of the Air Corps”

10/12/43 Mission:

XII Bomber Command operations are canceled by weather. In Italy, the XII Air Support Command and other Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) elements (NATBF and RAF DAF) operate on a reduced scale, hitting road junctions at Vasto and Fossacesia, Aquino Airfield, motor transport on the Itri-Pico road and on a road N of Rome in the Bolsena and Capranica areas, roads near Tarquinia, rail facilities at Cisterna di Latina, trains between Pescara and Benedello, and guns and troops near Cercemaggiore.

10/13/43 Mission:

Italy declares war on Germany. In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-25's and B-26's bomb the town of Alife, a road junction at Sessa Aurunca, and airfield at Tirana; XII Air Support Command, supplemented by RAF DAF fighters, supports the US Fifth Army, which begins an assault crossing of the Volturno River on a 40-mile (64 km) front during the night of 12/13 Oct. Fighters and fighter-bombers hit troop and tank concentrations, trains, trucks, and communications the lines in the forward areas, especially around Ortona, Giulianova, and Campobasso. NATBF light
bombers join in the attacks, hitting road junctions in the Vairano, Carinola, Dragoni, Vasto, Terracina, and Minturno areas.

10/14/43 Mission:

Weather hinders tactical aircraft operations, but the XII Air Support Command and RAF DAF hit trains and vehicles and fly patrols from N of the Volturno River to Formia and N of Pescara.

10/14/43 V-MAIL



I got home last night, with a pleasant glow from Spumante and found 6 letters and 6 newspapers!  I’ll sketchily answer same.

So it is a bedspread instead of a shawl!  It’s purty isn’t it?  I wish my Malta stuff would get there (10/15/43) for it is by far the nicest stuff I’ve been able to get.

Gym class sounds good.  Get yourself in condition for the winter of 44-45.  Don’t let the cold worry you.  Two things we are never without—cold & dysentery.

On languages, why don’t you take a crack at your French, and I’ll handle the Spanish and Eyetie?  Having had it before it should be good.  Between the two we can get along anyplace in Europe.

Hey!  How about Doc Sheaff?  I’m afraid the infection may get worse and do irreparable damage!  Darn it, I told you that a year ago.  Quit stalling.

D.P. is a good guy, but scarcely smart enough for a Grp. CO.  Well, I’m a fine one to talk, being, apparently, the black sheep of the Air Corps.  So what!

J.H.* writes regularly.  I think he would like for me to be there to hold his hand.  Old friends are always the best ones.  Mom & Pop also write regularly.

That about covers the correspondence.  Gee, it looks like we’ll be able to go on our first picnic in a month tomorrow.**  More fun.

Vance is quite a help.

Hey!  Thanks for the Christmas present.  You don’t know it, but you bought me a beautiful pair of 7×50 Naval binoculars yesterday.  Don’t get anything else, for these are swell.  I’m sorry I couldn’t have properly timed the stuff for you, but you’ll just have to consider your next packages as Christmas presents.  I love you Toots.


*Johny Huntoon

**This comment suggests Cy hasn’t flown a mission in at least a month.

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