1943 September 14 The Fifth Army Lands at Salerno

9/11/43 Mission:

In Italy, XII Bomber Command B-17's bomb the Benevento marshalling yard and bridge and highway junction nearby; B-25's and B-26's hit highways and
junctions at Castelnuovo, Ariano, Mignano, and Isernia; P-40's fly an
uneventful sweep over S Sardinia; and US and RAF airplanes of the NATAF
continue to provide beachhead cover in the Salerno area, hit road
communications throughout the day, and attack road and rail bridges, junctions, airfield, and town areas at Saptri, Corleto, Perticara, Auletta, and Gioia del Colle, Italy.

9/12/43 Mission:

US and RAF aircraft of the NATAF attack motor transport movement,
roads, and bridges in the Potenza-Auletta areas, maintain cover over the US Fifth Army in the Salerno invasion area (where the enemy launches a fierce effort to reduce the beachhead), and during the night of 12/13 Sep fly intruder missions over 6 airfields between Rome and Pizzo, finding little activity. British Eighth Army forces on the toe of Italy capture Crotone and push N, and on the Taranto front occupy territory up to N of Castelaneta.

9/12/43Mussolini had seen the gradual deterioration of Italy’s position in North Africa and Sicily in the summer of 1943.  He had asked Hitler for reinforcements, but they were not available, most of them having been tied up in what became the losing battle for Stalingrad.  Mussolini was deposed and arrested and the fascist government was dissolved.  On September 8, the new Italian government switched sides and joined the Allies.  The Germans on Sicily had retreated to the mainland and established lines of defense.  Mussolini was being moved frequently and kept in remote locations.  In September he was being held in a ski resort in the Gran Sasso mountains in central Italy.  The Germans intercepted a radio transmission revealing Mussolini’s location and they formulated a plan to land gliders with commandos on the front lawn of the hotel.  On September 12, 1943, they successfully freed Mussolini without a shot being fired.  Mussolini was spirited away in a small plane and ultimately taken to Munich.  He was shortly returned to northern Italy as Hitler’s puppet.

9/13/43 Mission:

US and RAF light and medium bombers of the NATBF hit town areas, road junctions, and vehicles in the Auletta-Pompeii-Sala Consilina-San Severino Rota areas. 80+ C-47's drop contingents of the US 82d Airborne Division S of the Sele River to strengthen the bridgehead in the face of enemy counterattacks which threaten the US Fifth Army beachhead in the
Salerno area.

9/13/43 The Private Snafu cartoon, “The Goldbrick” is released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCMVpFUWXq4

9/14/43 Mission:

US and RAF fighter-bombers and light and medium bombers of the NATAF fly well over 500 sorties, mainly against bridges, and towns in the battle area or around Battipaglia, Eboli, Potenza Torre Annunziata, Benevento, Auletta, and Avellino. C-47's drop more contingents of the US 82d
Airborne Division S of the Sele River to strengthen the beachhead, and also behind lines near Avellino to disrupt communications.

9/14/43 V-Mail #1  Sicily


How is ya?

Situation here is most boring.  I go from sack to mess and back again to sack again.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to send a hell of a lot of money this month as Burt and I bought a radio, which ain’t hay.  The Sicilians hoarded hundreds of the damn things.  Ours is a brand new General Electric!

Baby, you don’t know how lucky you are.  I met the wife of an Italian officer a week or so ago.  She came to Sicily to be with him, but by the time she got here, the Americans had chased out all of the Eyetie soldiers.  She hasn’t heard from him in 4 mos, has no friends in Sicily, and is working for AMGOT [Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories], I believe, as a steno.  Thank God we’re Americans.

My watch finally gave up the ghost.  The crystal is gone, and it needs a complete overhaul.  I shall pack it away.  Fortunately, I finally got a G.I. watch.

I heard a lecture on ack-ack* by H.M. General ___________ yesterday and found out why they can’t (we keep telling ourselves) hit us.  It opened some interesting doors, and I’ve been calculating furiously ever since.

I love you more than ever, darling–  Cy.

*Anti-Aircraft fire from the enemy.

9/14/43 V-Mail #2

Hi Kitten:

I received your letter of Aug. 3rd today.  Still no package.  Thus far I have August letters of 1,3,10,16,18 & 23.  I also got an old one from O’Brie.  He’s about the only one who bothers to write.  I’m about to say to hell with all of my old crowd.  Doc Aiken has written several times, and knowing his propensity for work, I’m sure if he has time, some of the rest of them should.  Frankly, if Tom [Gerrity] walked in right now, I doubt if I’d even get up, and that goes for Baldy as well.  Johny & Mom & Pop and Norm also write.  Well, strictly sour grapes, but I am griped.

The damn flies are having intercourse all over me.  That’s one place I’m in favor of sterilization—flies!

I bought a Sicilian cheese this week.  It walks, talks, and is blonde.  It is like a cross between Swiss, Roquefort, and Parmigiano.  It tastes like I need beer but I haven’t some.

Our new GE radio is wonderful.*

I’m still drawing pictures and making calculations.  I wish you were here to gripe about leaving my stuff out and working too late.

Lots of love baby.  1945 won’t be so long in another year.  It’s almost chow time.

Love & more kisses, Your Cy.

1943 GE Radio

*Photo from: http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/general_el_m_604.html

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