1943 April 28 “Stuck again—behind a desk”

4/27/43 Mission:

In Tunisia, NASAF B-25's hit shipping W of Zembra Island off Cap Bon.
Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) planes (fighters, A-20's, and
medium bombers) hit numerous tactical targets in NE Tunisia, including Sidi Ahmed Airfield and troops, tank, trucks, and gun positions at Massicault, on the Pont-du-Fahs road, Ksar Tyr, Bir Meherga, and other points along the battleline. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/28/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) aircraft bomb concentrations near Saint-Cyprien and Ksar Tyr, shipping off Tunis, and numerous positions and vehicles along the Tunisian battleline and surrounding areas as the US 9th Infantry Division continues W astride the Sedjenane River and the 1st and 34th Infantry Divisions continue to face fierce opposition S of Jefna in Sidi Meftah area. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/28/43 Tunisia

Hi Honey:

I don’t know when this will reach you as I have no V-Mail blanks or stamps.  Those are luxuries for people back at Casablanca or one of the other deluxe joints.

About 4 of your letters came in day before yesterday.  I also got one from John and 1 from Mom Huntoon.  A happy birthday was had though I didn’t get to fly.  The perfect staff officer is stuck again—behind a desk.  But I shall fly a few more sorties.  They’ve jacked up the requirements for an Air Medal from 5 to 10 sorties & I have 3 more to go.  I’ve already done more to earn that one than some of the lads did for DSC’s and DFC’s in the early stages of the war.  Frankly, I think they just had to create a bunch of glamour boys to feed the people back home.  Now they’re settling down to serious business.

Pleasures over here are enlightening.  People back home have so many “necessities” about which we never think over here.  A shower, hot or cold, is a luxury.  A haircut is a national holiday, meat which has not been ground up & stuffed in a can is rare, a cot is rarer and only the privileged get to sleep on a floor instead of on the ground.  A glass of beer (British) is unheard of.  Water without chlorine, or some real milk would be heaven.  Clean clothes are only for a few.  Baby, when you people feel sorry for yourselves, forget it.  We’re getting along swell without most of the things considered essential there.

Permanent sounds good.  How about some pictures of same?

Hospital insurance is a good idea as we probably won’t be in the army after the war.

The radio says we’re giving Jerry hell.   All I can say is “Amen.”  But Jerry still has lots of fight left in him & it is not going to be a pushover.

Present boss is Van all over except the other extreme.  All ideas & decisions are his or wrong.  But I’m getting along famously anyhow.

I love hell out of you, Toots,

Your wing dingy.

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