1943 April 25 “Your little boy is in no danger”


4/21/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force
(NATAF) fighters and A-20's hit landing grounds and military traffic on roads, fly sweeps and armed reconnaissance, and attack ground forces and aircraft in the Medjez el Bab-Goubellat area where an enemy counterattack by armored and infantry columns during the night of 20/21 Apr ends in costly failure.  From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/22/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters and A-20's fly sweeps, reconnaissance, and patrols and attack positions at Djebel el Ahmera (Longstop Ridge), Sidi Nsir, Djebel el Ajred (Bald Hill), and other points as the British First Army's 5 Corps launches the start of the final phase of the assault on Tunis and Bizerte, attacking on a front N and S of Medjez el Bab.  From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/23/43 Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters, A-20's,
and medium bombers carry out a large number of missions against positions in NE Tunisia and particularly along the battleline area from near Pont-du-Fahs N to the Mediterranean as the US II Corps begins a drive on Bizerte in the Jefna-Sidi Meftah area. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/25/43  Mission:

Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters attack
positions and vehicles in the battle area. A-20's and medium bombers bomb the S landing ground at Soliman, positions NW of Enfidaville, and several other points in the battle area as Allied ground forces continue their advance on Bizerte and Tunis. From:http://www.milhist.net/usaaf/mto43a.html

4/25/43  Tunisia

Dear Angel:

Darn it, you’re beautiful!

Hey!  What do you mean it’s going to be hard enough to make ends meet without saving anything.  Gosh, honey, I’m giving you $485 per month!  That’s practically a fortune!  Well, try to save as much as you can, for I can’t see what is coming up in the future.

Regular commissions are out for this year.  I’m not even sure I want one, for the army after the war will be a different thing from its present hustle.

I’ve squeezed in a few flights this month and they are great sport.  I’ll have to tell you all about it sometime.  There were a couple of Trib men and a Daily News bloke here a while back who may have put in some trips in the paper.  Needless to say, your little boy is in no danger.

Write Betty that Van is in a nice soft job as 14th assistant operations officer in a training school.  He may die from alcohol poisoning, but from no other cause.  He is a good lad & sincerely tried to convert me to a good “army” officer before we parted but it was no go.  I’m still a cocky little engineer from Purdue.

We have a pretty black Labrador retriever in the outfit named TARFU.  P.S.—I have half of Tarfu’s fleas in my fart sack.  Also a can of flea powder.

Col. Clizbe with “Tarfu”


The British are swell.  I know—I live with them.  They are different, but so are we to them.

I would give my left something or other to work for Norm or Jimmy Crabb.

I got your letter of April 6, one from Adam Huntoon (4-8-43) and a birthday card from the ME Church in G.E. last night.  It sure was swell as I hadn’t received any mail for 3 or 4 weeks.

Relax Honey.  Jerry is really catching hell.  When we finish him in Africa, we’ll beat his fanny in Europe, & then I’ll take a crack at the Nips for Tom & Gus & Pat.  Then, baby, we’ll get together and lick the U.S. so we can be happy together.  If you go to work just stay close to the folks or the Gerritys so you’ll have a good place to relax and be pampered a little.

I love you angel. Your Cy.

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