1942 October 3 The party is off

Editor’s noteOn September 9, 1942, a Japanese submarine was patrolling near Cape Blanco, Oregon.  The sub carried a “float plane” which could be assembled on the deck and catapulted into the air for take off.   The plane was launched and flew over the coastal forest of Oregon where it dropped two incendiary bombs, which were intended to start large forest fires.  The fires were quickly detected and controlled.  The bomb fragments recovered bore Japanese writing.  This was the first bombing on U.S. soil in WW II.

10/3/42 Original correspondence

Bentley Hotel
Alexandria, La.
Hi Toots:
The party for Tuesday is now off unless I call you on phone. We got a call from Tampa yesterday & I flew in here to make some arrangements. We will be here for same reason as last time—I can’t write same.
‘Scuse pencil!
I love the hell out of you. Me

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