1940 April 28 Picnic in the Rain

In 1940, folk singer Woody Guthrie, moved to New York, after spending extensive time in the west with the people displaced by the dust bowl and the great depression.  He joined The Almanac Singers,  began taking a more supportive tone of America with regard to events in Europe, and took to playing a guitar that boasted the power of his music in the political climate.


Brooks Field, Tx.

Hi Honey:

Gee, it was drunk out this week-end.  Strangely, no hang-over.  We had a beer bust over in the mess hall Saturday afternoon.  Of my buddies got playful and gave me a beer shower.  While I was taking a shower to get the beer off, one of the fellows came in and told me I was going to Queen’s (Fiesta) Garden Party.  One of the gal’s bag friends had just called from Austin and had an auto wreck.  The party was awfully dry, so a bunch of us went to the cadet club for some more fun.  I went out to Mickey’s for the rest of the night.  I got up in time to see them leave for church.

While I was washing dishes, Burt came in and brought me some clothes, since the soup and fish left over from Saturday night was quite appropriate for our picnic Sunday.  The picnic was in the rain, but since I climbed trees, danced, swam, played baseball, and ate, it was highly successful.  Boy I surely am a wreck now!  I have cuts and bruises and sore muscles all over me.  I swam 500 yards, so I’m yet in fair shape.  My arms weren’t at all tired, but my wind (on 4 hours sleep and a lot of drinking) wasn’t so good.

Go ahead and see what you can do on a car.  About $125 would be down payment.  Plymouth standard two-door is the best bet.  I believe I can do better through local dealers, but you might as well check.

Hey!  Who is Mary?  Lots of love, Cy.

1940 May 1 Could you pick up the car in Detroit?


Brooks Field, Tx.


10 more days!  Yippee!

How’s this look.

Plymouth DeLuxe 2 Door      $959

License                                      $  12


*Interest allowance                 $100


Cadet Discount                          $205


Cash                                             $150


Auto Ins.                                 $  62.65

Life Ins.                                   $  13.00


Finance Charges                     $  70.75


24 payments at $27.60 each.

Also borrowed $240 at Fort Sam Bank, effective on May 11 ($20 per month for a year).

*On this car deal, could you take a bus or train to Detroit and drive it to Chi, pick up your stuff and drive down here?  Present plan is a blue (like the battle axes’s Ford) with gray upholstery.  No radio or gadgets.

Can you see any objection to picking up Fleet’s gal and driving down with her, possibly before we had planned?  We might not be married right away, but you could have the car for a month’s vacation.  Mary could also come, but she’d be previous for a wedding.

Aw, nuts.  Ain’t it wonderful?  Keep the letter from Chuck for us.  Trip to Brownsville today.  Yes, we land, sometimes a couple of times.

Lots of love, angel,  Cy.

1940 May 7 “Honey, yo’ finances baffle me”


Brooks Field, Tx.


I’m a rat for not writing, but each day I think the next will crystalize some of our plans.  But never does.

It takes two weeks to get delivery on the Plymouth, so here’s the score.  I’ll wait until graduation before doing anything definite.  I have a hunch that we’ll get our orders by next Tuesday.  Then, if I don’t get foreign service, I’ll order the car.  That means you can pick it up about the 28th of May.  Then you can drive to wherever I am in easy stages.  We can fix up the license plates and identification then.

Honey, yo’ finances baffle me.  Let’s be blunt!  If you can’t find another job to hold you over, how much do you need to hold the fort?  Please write this as I am a little hazy on how much it costs a little girl to live.  You see, I never supported one before.  Don’t let the Postal account worry you, as that is why I had you establish it.

The pictures were beautiful and everybody’s respect for your boyfriend’s taste went sky high.  Seems as though there are others who think you verge just ever so slightly on the pretty side.

I spent the week-end at the Texas A & M, where cousin Arthur’s sister and family live.  We didn’t do much, but it was fun.  If I get any cross-country time while I am stationed here (ten days following graduation), I may fly up there for a day.

Well, honey, I have more things to sign for in S.A., so I’ll sign off.  Four more days, nine hours, and 32 minutes until my commission becomes effective.  Let me know how much you need and we’ll see what we can do.

Love, Cy.

1940 May 10 Eve of Graduation

Editor’s note:  On May 10, 1940 Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after Chamberlain resigns. On this same day the Germans invade Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Winston Churchill, 5/10/40

Brooks Field, Tx
This is a hard letter to write, for I’m afraid you’ll get the wrong idea. Try to bear with me.
Damn it, I’m a wreck. I just made my last flight as a cadet and I’m weak as a baby. One of the instruments was out and I flew from the rear cockpit instead of the front as is normal. I think I passed ok, but it was a hell of a job.
Last night our flight had dinner at our instructor’s house. It was great sport, but I didn’t particularly enjoy myself. Graduating is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Honey, in the light of all the authentic information I can gather, it would be much better if you didn’t join me until June 15th or later. It would be too much of a strain on both of us.
So let’s you amuse yourself around Chicago. The enclosure will hold you for a while. I haven’t but a few minutes to get into town before the P.O. closes.
Just remember I love you, angel. From now on it is:
Lt. C.B. Stafford, A.R.
801 Patterson
Alamo Heights
San Antonio, Tex.

Your lil boy, Cy.

Cy’s graduation photo from Randolph Field, May 11, 1940 (From “My Life. . . My Way”, Charles F. Sharrard, Jr. p.226

1940 May 13 “Shavetail”

5/11/40: Cy graduates from Army Air Corps cadet training.

Use this address:
Lt. C.B.S.
Midway Tourists Courts
3015 Fredericksburg Rd.
San Antonio, Texas

Honey Chile:
I’ve been a shavetail for two whole days and it is a glorious feeling to no longer be a cadet. I’m just recovering from graduation.
We have been getting primed for it for two weeks, and I’ll have to learn how to eat solid food again just as I did when I was a baby. The actual graduation was Saturday morning. Cousin Annie Laurie and Arthur were there, and although it was short, it was sweet. Saturday afternoon was spent moving out here. Burt lives with me. Saturday night was the graduation hop, and your lil boy sure did go to town. I kept just ahead of sobriety and just behind inebriation. Champagne, Scotch, gin, and ale all did their part, not to mention rum and brandy. No one became noisy drunk, and the orchestra was good. I got in about 6:15.
Sunday was spent straightening out the cabin. I had to go to WM’s wedding as an usher Sunday night. It was a beautiful ceremony even if I didn’t get to kiss the bride. Although I can’t vouch for myself, WM reportedly picked the best-looking men at Brooks for ushers. I think I was there to make the other three appear more attractive.
At the reception, I distinguished myself by drinking two sorority sisters and a bridesmaid to a standstill.
This morning we made a short flight with one landing. Was I hot! I missed the field and had to go around again!
Tom and Marje are getting married in the morning. The gang from Chicago got them a swellegant 32 piece collection of silver. Marje was so tickled she went around hugging everybody in sight, and 2 collected a very sisterly kiss.
Honey, you are a very much missed young lady. Everybody has asked about you.
Let me know how the financial situation lies?
Your husband, Lt. Cy.