1940 March 13 Under the Hood

Editor’s note.  3/12/40:  Finland surrenders to the Soviet Union to end “The Winter War” and cedes a significant portion of its territory to the USSRThe remaining portion of Finland is allied with Germany for the remainder of the war.


Brooks Field, Tx.


I just reread your letter.  It sounds a lot more like my little girl than your letters have since 1935-36.

Mother should like the play.  I’ve read the book and enjoyed it a great deal.  Use the enclosure for same.

Got a letter from Crane today.  He and Billy were rather disappointed to have missed me the way they did.  They enjoyed your letter, but have lost your address.  I shall send it to them.

What a day.  Everybody’s in a storm.  More damn funny things have happened.  We were flying instruments both with our instructors and with each other.  Time out while I teach the code class.  About half of the men got lost and were late getting in.  One instructor told his stooge (who was flying blind under the hood*) to go into a power glide.  The dope thought he said power dive.  He pushed the stick all of the way forward and then wound up in a vertical dive at 300 m.p.h.  Stardust was my safety observer in my rear cockpit and the dizzy dope was so wrapped up in keeping from flying into other ships that he didn’t pay any attention to our location.  I had to shift the radio over onto the beam, find out where we were, buzz a R.R. station to check my data (I was on the head) and then fly in.  We had 30 minutes gas when we got back.  I could have shot him for not keeping his eyes open. It’s no fun finding yourself 50 miles from home with only 5 miles visibility.

We flew in formation at 15 feet this morning.  We damned near knocked the horns off of a cow and it didn’t even move.  Boy, the cattle and farmers around here are sure used to the airplanes.

Well, honey, it’s almost time for drill.  Then open post until 10 o’clock.  Yippee.

Fine business on Dotty. I like the idea of your being with her.

Love Cy.

*Flying by instruments only.

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