1940 February 17 Relax and enjoy it

Brooks Field, Tx.
Hi Wife:
This going to be a hell of a letter, but will write more later. Received a letter yesterday with a note from Bill & some definitions. The latter are being displayed at the Cadet Club this afternoon and are making quite a hit. Then I got your note this A.M. Apparently the P.O. sealed it ok.
Send the copy of the poem and I shall edit it. Then you can send it on in. I finally bought a copy of RADIO and found my article.
One of my instructors pulled a Confucianism this morning. “When rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” Oh, me.
The enclosure from Crane is self-explanatory. You might drop them a line. I wrote him a 2 pager.
Be sweet, young lady. I still want you very much.
Yo boyfriend, Cy.

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