1940 February 13 Regulations–must marry before June 30

Click here to listen to “Maybe” by The Ink Spots from 1940; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp2Hwi9qM48


Brooks Field, Tx.


This will be days late, but having to move at this time spoiled my chances of personally picking out anything.  So take the enclosures and buy us something you need.  I told you all my writing checks until we get married are yours!

Darling, budget here is lousy.  There are always so many fixed expenses that are deducted from the pay-roll, and when I do get open post, meals and transportation mount up tremendously, that any effort at budget is futile.  I am paying $10 per month on the family doctor, which is just holding even probably, and $7.90 on insurance.  I’m not too worried about that as army records are good receipts and that is a pay deduction.

That’s a swell subject for a Valentine’s letter!  But it is close to us.  Precious, the following is the dope received yesterday.  It is official at present, but I seriously doubt (as do many others) if it can be enforced.  Cadets must get married before June 30, 1940.  Otherwise, they must wait 3 years after receiving their reserve commissions, or 1 year after a regular army commission!  I can’t see that business, so we shall keep our eyes and ears open and see what we can do.  I’m getting damn sick and tired of not having you.  And I’m gettin’ pretty tired of going to bed without you.  I’m so darned jealous of Milton & Martha and their home that I can’t hardly stand it.  Speaking of which, my cousins here are pulling for you plenty.

The barracks here are like the one’s Cliff trained in, so I wrote him a letter last night, sent this morning.  It really isn’t bad here, but I wouldn’t want it to last for more than 3 months.  With all windows down (shut) the draft is so strong we have to tie our shoes to the bed to keep them underneath.  The hangars are little teeny things, looking more like barns than hangars.  They are wooden and were built in 1916.

Well, little girl, I’m going to take a shower and work some more.  Flying probably starts tomorrow.  These ships glide at 90, cruise at 190 with a top of 207 in horizontal flight.  Landing gears retractable etc.

Love, Cy.

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