1940 February 8 Moving on to Brooks!


Randolph Field, Tx.


Well, it’s all over!  Randolph Field did its damnedest and could not scare me.  I flew my last couple of hours this morning and Lt. Housman wished me good luck at Brooks and that was that.  Tomorrow I turn in my equipment and Monday I move to Brooks.

I’m mailing this to the house because you couldn’t get it otherwise.  Your letter just arrived today.  I’m not sending Pop anything from here, so whatever you do will be from both of us.

OK on the reporter.  Now that I’m going to Brooks and have 249 chances out of 250 of graduating, you may tell Mother the ban on newspaper clippings, information, etc. is off.  I just didn’t want everyone to know I was here and then find out later that I’d failed.  For the first time since I started, I’m not worried.  So if Oak Leaves still wants the picture and it’ll make you any happier, ok.

Phooey—your Confucius joke is as old as a Chinese egg.  It’s still amusing. I don’t know where Tom and Marje get all the money!  But that’s none of my business.

You bad girl!  You know it’s going to be you and I.  It took me five years to find it out, and I don’t expect to forget it very soon.  I still can’t quite figure it out, but I don’t want to.

I didn’t realize what a strain it’s been.  I’m sitting here trembling like an old man.  I wish you could be here to enjoy this day with me.

Honey, I still don’t know what the score is, but we can keep hoping.

Well, it’s time for lunch.  I still can’t believe I made the grade.

Love to a very sweet girl,  Cy.

P.S.  All of Chicago gang got through, but Vince washed out a month ago.

Editor’s note:  on 3/26/41 the movie “I wanted wings” starring Ray Milland and William Holden was released.  It is the story of 3 men going through training in the Army Air Corps and the airplane scenes were filmed at Randolph Field, Tx. in the summer of 1940.

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