1940 January 28 Anxious to graduate


Randolph Field, Tx.


This will be short, for I have three more to write and some studying to do before bedtime.

Your budget sounds fine.  Hope you can stick to it.  Uniform will probably run $200.  For another $300 we can probably get all of the furniture and linen we’ll need to live on the post.  Houses for 2nd Lts. have living room, dining room, kitchen and one or two bedrooms.  Dining room set and a couple of straight chairs are furnished.  Let’s not plan on it, but I’m going to feel terribly hurt if we can’t be married in June.  Seeing Milt and Martha here doesn’t help much.

Saw Marje again Saturday.  She’s probably seen or called you by now.

I’ve asked for a 60 day renewal on that parachute rigger business.  It’s impossible to do anything about it here.

Please return the enclosed letter as I haven’t answered it yet.  It’s from Marje Hanna.

Did a little drinking Saturday, saw the “Housekeeper’s Daughter” and went ice skating.  What an experience.  Talk about blind flying!  Funny thing, I did a swell job of skating, even if I was toting 5 s&s’s.**

I hiked 10 or more miles this morning and had a swell time.  Spent this afternoon with Annie Claire and Milton and Martha.  They’ve all been swell to me.  Neighbors have been whispering and getting some swell results.  You see I’ve worn my uniform in about half of the time.  Martha said she hated to do it, but she finally told them Annie Claire was my cousin!  Poor neighbors!  The scandal.

Burt said he wished you and Maxie were down here Saturday.  Wonders if Maxie is going to answer his letter.  Don’t quote me, for I can’t figure him out.

Boggs, only $1,000 in debt, is buying a car!  It is hard to resist for cadets are getting about $200 knock-off on all makes!  Guess that will have to wait for us.

I really must get to work.  If nothing goes haywire, I may get out of here on the 9th.  I only have my instrument check left.  Class is over on Thursday, although I still have 14 hrs of flying to get in.

Being with my wife is too wonderful to even imagine now.  I’m well and happy, but half of me isn’t here.

Love to a precious girl,   Cy.

*Second Lieutenants

**Five scotch & sodas

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