1939 November 17 Getting settled at Randolph Field

Editor’s Note:  On November 16, 1939, Al Capone is freed from Alcatraz prison.

11/17/39 Original Letter

Randolph Field
Universal City, Tx.

A lull in the storm so I shall attempt to squeeze in a letter.
No, it doesn’t seem possible that we are 1300 miles apart, but the distance is beginning to hurt and the time to drag.
The trip down here was not particularly interesting, but it was fun. Don and Dick Snow are my room-mates. Burt* is in the next room. All of the members of my squad are from Chicago. Damn.

Cadet Barracks Randolph Field San Antonio, TX

Xmas list is enclosed and looks ok. I believe I shall send out cards if I’m still here for they have some nice ones over at the PX. I am sending the enclosure to cover the cost of dishes and bath mats. The time that we can use them seems awfully far away just now.
The set-up here is horrible just now. The existing upper class, as in Chicago, was not preceded by a higher class. As a result, their ability as leaders is nil and we are left in the lack on many vital points. We are thus hazed when we should be instructed. Fortunately, flying starts Monday and we shall have much less trouble. Right now I’m nervous as hell, if you can imagine that. It is not from anything that happens, but because we have no idea what to do when. Well, Honey, I’ve taken lots worse than this, so it isn’t too bad. If I can get through the flying, I shan’t be worried, as the ground school isn’t as bad here as at Curtiss**.
Tell Willy to be sure my Randolph Field Address doesn’t appear in the January Issue, and if possible, just give call letters or nothing at all. There is a cadet regulation which might be embarrassing. Of course, I submitted the story before I fell under the regulation, so I am clear. But we might as well not have any questions asked.
Speaking of magazines, B Goodman wrote to me that QST is publishing my article on Q measurements in the December issue. I felt very flattered as there were no corrections on the original script. This is exceptional as QST generally rewrites at least part of the articles. Ask Willy to see his copy in December. The Article will probably be on about page 90 or something.
Well, Precious, sitting here has almost been like talking to you and I feel much calmer. We have been issued a hell of a lot of equipment, part of which we will pay for. The result will be a flat paycheck again. Damn it all. The more I look at it, the less I like Cadet pay.
I am going to see “The Women” presented by the officer’s wives tonight. I hope I like it. It is the only way to get out of the barracks tonight.

Most of the upper class are fair, but there are a few heels. They won’t last long in the regular army.
It sort of sounds like hell is going to pop loose again, so I will close.
Darling I miss you more than I can dare to think of. Be a good little girl for me and someday we’ll have each other.  Hell is popping loose.
Love, angel Cy

False alarm: Tell Willy I’ve been oscillating for 13 years and haven’t found anything nearly as interesting as M.M.W. Suggest that maybe the kid sister has something he hasn’t! About one letter a week will be all I can manage for a while. Jack (S.)*** sent me a couple of nice letters that arrived with yours. The barracks and grounds are beautiful, but the rooms have windows on both ends, and we have all the privacy of a rare fish in the Shedd Aquarium. If I send you anything, just store it, as I don’t like some of my mail read. C.B.S.

*Burt Fleet

**Curtiss-Reynolds Field in Glenview, IL, where Cy did his first 3 months of training.

***”Jack” Emma Stafford

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