1939 June 29 “I’m all through with getting in trouble”


Hi Darling:

How do you like the new stationery?  This is what I wanted the first time, but I didn’t get it.  You are number one letter for the letterhead and the small envelopes.

I fooled you today.  I came home for lunch to get your letter.

I have written to the folks.  In fact, I believe they must not have gotten one of my letters, for I am sure that I have written at least once per week.  I have not yet heard from Nena.  I shall get a card, stick five rocks into it, and send it to you for your signature.  That, darling, will finish that business.

Toots!  I’m all through with getting in trouble.  Strange as it may sound, I’m not particularly interested in such things anymore—that is, with anyone but you.  So don’t lose any more sleep over that angle.  The night in question, I got to bed (alone) at 9:30 and slept peacefully until—well, you know what happens occasionally.  But I was dreaming about you—tsk tsk! (It was grand).

The enclosed letter from EM is in answer to a line I dropped him when I read in the RCA Family Circle that he was out of circulation again.  When I was first getting into radio, he was one of the fellows who encouraged me to do the job right, instead of becoming just a piddler.  That’s why the soft spot in the old heart.

Hold your shirt, precious.  Today I finished the parts of my job which have been keeping me awake nights.  Yippee!  There is yet plenty to do, but it is all work which I have had some contact with in the past.  Gee, I wish you were here to be kissed.

Helen got her first swim lesson Tuesday afternoon.  Boy, am I glad it wasn’t you.  I nearly drowned the poor kid a couple of times.  If I can teach her to swim without killing her, I’ll feel like working with you.  Otherwise I would feel like a surgeon performing a new operation on one of his family.  No chances with you, little girl.  I’d rather have you alive and not swimming.  By the time I have the opportunity to teach you, I shall have buried all of my early patients, hi.

Time to get out and eat.  Scouts tonight.  Lots of love, Cy

Weather cloudy.  Humidity 99.99%.  Temp.—too cold for swimming.

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