1939 May 2 Waiting for the final decree



It was so nice to find your letter here this evening.

So Andy can’t keep his mind on his own wife?  Well, Precious, that is why I was so worried when you were late meeting me after the Company’s New Year’s party.  I trusted you, but I didn’t trust Andy.  Frankly, that damn map of his is too open.  No man has that little going on his mind.  Well, take it easy until this Burns business is closed and then we can get going.  It was rather a dirty stunt to wait until I had been gone just long enough for you to be down and almost out before pulling anything.  Incidentally, the Burns bill must be paid up as soon as everything is clear.  It might be well not to do more than we have to until the final decree is granted.  Keep me posted on any and all conferences and developments.

Of course  you can have the ten.  Will the next payday, about Monday the 15th be soon enough for me to send it?  If not, let me know, and I shall pull it out of Postal.  Be sure to let me know.  It is a loan—very definitely.  Of course, I reserve the right to collect from your husband at some future date!

Rettenmeyer called me today and I had lunch with him.  Plans are all changed again.  He agrees with me that night school work is not the same caliber as day school, and suggests I work a couple of years and then take a year off for school.  Say, Toots, how does this strike you?  Let’s work together for maybe six months before we get married, and then only on a heavy savings basis.  After a couple of years, Ret says that the RCA will probably give me a year’s leave of absence, or promise me a job upon return (same thing almost).  At that time, we will both quit work and go to school.  You can enroll as a freshman in home ec, science or liberal arts (latter would give you the psych and English).  You would be one of the few fresh to attend the junior prom!  It will take me at least three years to complete a master’s, and during that time you can complete your bachelor’s.  Darling, I think it is a swell idea.  I have seen it worked quite successfully, and I am sure you would have no trouble making the grade.  That degree would just about complete our anti-inferiority complex battle I believe.  Lemme know, precious.

Played ball for five innings today (softball).  I caught as usual, and think I have a fair chance of getting the first string job.  It is the second time in about 5 years!  No fingers broken and only one bruise.  The exercise has already made me feel better.

Hmmmmm!  We shall see about the vacation business.  Thanks for the book dope.  Nope, I was wrong.  The new one is “My Ten Years in a Quandary?” and is good.  Shall save it for you not to read.

Waiting for you, precious.  Sleepy, but yours.  Cy.

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