1939 April 28 “We are taking life too seriously”


Hi Kitten:

How is ya?   I’m a new man.  I got the enclosed letter from Sam Marks, the motorcycle boy at school, a couple of days ago.  Same is a swell egg, and likes me a great deal (it is mutual).  He knew more about the MG situation than anyone else, but is rather good at telling people to politely go to hell.  Looking at his letter, I got the impression that possibly MG was trying to get at me through him.  This wouldn’t surprise me at all.  I wrote to him and told him to discourage everything and write me more specific details.  Then I didn’t mail the letter because I didn’t want anything around in writing.  I was almost certain that he was on my side of the fence, but not too sure of it.  MG might have dropped out of school or something and gone back to the old place, in which case, his ear would be a lot closer to her mouth than to mine.  The best solution seemed to be to call him on the phone, thus eliminating all chance of collusion between the receipt of the letter and the time I got an answer.  This I did this morning.  He damn near fainted when he heard who it was.  Analyzing the damn thing by paragraphs is like this:

  1. He just talks that way.  Nothing sinister about “trace.”
  2. Stuck it between a couple of books and didn’t find it until he studied the books again—this can easily be months in college.
  3. School, which was a big failure when I left, is now panning out fine and he is going to graduate.
  4. Same as A.
  5. Can’t figure it out.
  6. This is what worried me.  I thought maybe MG had been writing letters.

(He didn’t even mention MG, which he would have anything had soured.)

I had a swell time talking to him, and I was so relieved that the cost of the thing didn’t even hurt.  He is coming East this summer for an ROTC camp and I shall see him then.   Apparently nothing drastic has happened.   The MG parent (male) threatened to malign my name about the campus after I had gone, but I told him that his own rep wasn’t good enough.  I countered by saying that I would name the date of his last bath if he spilled any more lies about me.  He did a good job of this while I was there.  He certainly missed the main point, hi.  If anything is sour in that section, it would have gotten out—so I think we can finally forget that section of my past indiscretion.

The vacation plan has only one flaw.  I haven’t mentioned it yet, so here goes.  The last time you came to see me, I let you get away.  That left a permanent rent in my little life, which can only be filled by you.  To cut things short, I’m terribly afraid that I won’t let you go back once you get out this far.  That would be suicide unless things get along a lot faster than I now think they will.  Another point, also a little blunt, when you come out to see me, I want you to stay for another reason.  Although I don’t anticipate it, if we can’t hold out on our ideals, I at least want to be near you until you again become sure we didn’t slip.  That is the least I can do.  I feel so strongly on all of these subjects that I can’t keep my little brain on a level keel.  Let’s not make a definite decision until later.  Precious girl, we mustn’t do anything rash for a while yet, and then we can really live.

Darling, one other thing.  We are taking life too seriously.  Let’s try to relax, hard as it may be.  I frequently catch myself doing twice the worrying about us that I should.

I’m glad Maw liked the birthday.  It was probably the biggest one she has had for some time.  Yes, JH has changed a good deal in the past months.  Having noted the corresponding change in so many college students, it doesn’t perturb me.  But there are a lot of his friends who would be most surprised.

If Burns was right, it will only be about a month more.  He has to be right, little girl.

Well, my beautiful little darling, now that I have said all of the things I ought to say, I’ll say what I want to.  I must have you, I love, yes worship, you.  And I hope that it won’t be too long.  So there.  You see, I’m crazy too.

Jack sent me an awfully nice birthday letter.  Nothing seriously wrong and is now all happy.  I think 90% of it is due to being able to feel that the kid bro crashed through.  You know, sweetheart, I have a feeling that you two are going to get along beautifully.  Don’t breathe a word to anyone—most seriously—but I wouldn’t be surprised if you got to meet her sometime soon.  One of the first things I am going to do when you get cleared up is let her know the set-up.

Supper time, darling, and no wife with whom to eat it.  In case I haven’t made myself clear, I am a very lonesome little boy.

Your only husband, Cy.

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