1939 April 20 “Today is the Day”

No. 1


Good Morning Pretty Girl:

Welll, today is the DAY.  Here’s hoping for a speedy and satisfactory decision.*

Not much time, but just want you to know I yet adore you.

Dinner with Fritz Tuesday and with Al out at his home last evening, so there isn’t much left of me.

We have had nothing but rain out here, broken only by an occasional London pea-souper fog or a cloudburst or two.

I haven’t heard from Aiken yet, but I imagine I shall go up there this week-end or next.

Oh, oh!  Time to go.  Will write more this evening.

Love and lots of it.    Cy




This is a big day, so I don’t see why I can’t write two letters to you.  Besides, I have two to answer.

Am I jealous!  Not of Orrin, silly but of you.  I wish I could have seen the old mousetrap perform and hear the sax.

Oh, Honey.  I’m sorry you hit the rocks Sunday, but you are fortunate in a way.  When I see your pictures, read your letters, and can see your little lips on the last page, I have all the inclination to bawl, but just can’t do it.  I sometimes think it would be a relief to be able to.

The pictures are swell.  I’m almost as proud as—well, you know what.  But not quite.

Don’t worry too much about your grandmother.  It will probably be a relief for her.

So JH wants a picture!  Tsk, tsk.  I would be surprised except that I told him to write to you and ask you when he was down here.  He said he wanted one, but didn’t know just how to go about it without arousing suspicion.  So I told him that it was ok if he could get your approval.  Gee, I feel flat all of a sudden.  When I was writing that, I felt just like you were behind me and I was kidding you.  That can’t go on forever.

Oh it’s getting late again and I must run down and mail this.

Fritz and I had a swell time together.  We spent about three hours with each other.  We had planned on getting to together again tonight, but he left at noon today, so I talked on the phone this morning—got him out of bed.  Call Dotty and tell her the evening I spent with him was liberally broken up by the futile attempts to find a letter for him in the pigeon-hole at the desk.  I think he still loves her—about as calmly as I love you.

I got a letter from Aiken today and shall be there this week-end, barring changes in his schedule.  The enclosure from Blen is self explanatory.

I’m getting awfully spoiled.  I’ve reserved one side of it for you and your picture, but I crawl over there just to be that little bit closer to you every night.  We passed one milestone today, darling, and we only have two more tough ones left.  Then we can start the other ten thousand.  Still your baby, Cy.

*I believe they are expecting to get an order granting Marty’s divorce today.

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