1939 April 12 “Your letter was delicious”


Hi Darling:

I spent most of last evening cleaning the typewriter and installing the new ribbon.  I hope this looks a little better.  After everything else is done, I shall get a new mill for us, but that will be far in the future.

Your letter was delicious, Darling.

Re your New York office suggestion.  Even if there, you would be not much better off.  You wouldn’t be able to see me more than once a month, for the expense is terrific.  Of course, once a month looks like an awful lot right now.  When I realize that we haven’t been apart but six weeks or so, and compare that with the lost feeling I have, I feel that once a month would almost be heaven by comparison.

Before I forget it, tell Bill no soap on the 20th.  I thought it was a Friday, but it is Thursday.  Neither JH or I could afford the trip just now for just one evening, and I am sure that neither of us could conveniently get Friday off.  We will try to see them on their return home, and tell them to make it on a week-end, hi.

Ok on the beer.  Don’t let it worry you, precious, I think it was swell.  Just so my darling doesn’t get too much some time and regret that she does.  Naturally, I like to be with you whenever there is any chance of you not being in full possession of all of your faculties, but I trust you enough so that I don’t worry over you.  I suppose that I should have mentioned it, although I didn’t think enough of it to merit even a passing remark, but most of the bridge games here have been accompanied by a couple of glasses or so per player.

OK on the Easter proceedings.  It sort of hurts to see another couple together when we have to be apart, doesn’t it, Darling?

OK on Maw’s Birthday.  I shall forward the card later on.

I’m glad you liked the last book.  I rather enjoyed it, but not as much as you would.  It is essentially for girls.

OK on your suggestion about my tummy-aches.  I shall look into the matter a little later on.  Remind me of it in a month.  I am going to join a hospitalization association that the company sponsors at moderate cost sometime in the next couple of weeks, I shall try to send you a bulletin which will tell the story.  It is quite good, and I shall probably have a thorough exam in connection with it.  Among other things, I shall have to get my teeth cleaned soon and checked for cavities.

John’s visit sort of knocked hell out of my budget, but nothing serious results.  I hope we get paid on Friday, for if we don’t, I shall have to hit the savings again this month.

I have to meet Al Howell over in the Bellevue tonight, and he will no doubt load me down with stories of his Florida trip.  I hope he forgets to come, for I don’t feel like staying up until all hours of tomorrow.  I shall probably enjoy it anyhow.

I had a little better luck today, and the outfit seems to be satisfied with the results I am turning out, even if I am not.

Maw Huntoon wrote me a nice letter which I received today.  She informs me that you’re a sweet girl.  I wonder what makes her think that?  Tsk, tsk.

One of the fellows spilled the beans about some of my articles in RADIO, so they sent over to the plant library for the issues involved.  Now they are absorbing the contents, and I can foresee long hours of razzing ahead.  Oh, well, I suppose I can take a little more after what I have already soaked up.  “Oil is Well” seems to have made a big hit, so maybe they will let up a little.

The tummy-aches are probably due to a different food and harder work.  Most of the stuff I did for Wells was a push-over, whereas this material demands a constant stress of hard brainwork.  It won’t be so hard after I learn all ins and outs of the RCA system, but doing the job and learning the red tape at the same time is rather terrific.

I sort of miss my baby.  If we can get you clear for my birthday and out for Christmas, I shall be a happy boy, especially if I can keep up my end and get out of debt and school.

The kid, Cy.

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