1939 April 10 Philadelphia


Honey Girl:

Thanks for the letter today.  By now, you should have two letters from me, one to the house and one to the office.

I’m glad your birthday was such a success.  I think Maw Huntoon, was awfully sweet to work it out with us the way she did, and the type of present she gave you sort of puts a lump in my throat.

I’ll bet your ears were scorched over the week-end.  JH* and I did little else but talk about you.  He arrived about 1:20 P.M. Saturday, and I went over to Philly and met him.  Then we came over here for lunch.  After talking for a couple of hours, we walked over to Philly again and took in the Bellevue–Stratford Hotel, City Hall, Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, and several similar sights.

The Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia
The Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, interior, Philadelphia
Philadelphia City Hall
Independence Hall, Philadelphia
The Liberty Bell

Then we had dinner, and planned on a show.  But we finished too late, so we walked all the way back to the ferry, took it across the river, and then walked up to the house.  Total walking for the evening must have been between 8 and 10 miles.  We talked for about fifteen minutes and then hit the hay.

Philadelphia-Camden Ferry

Sunday, we went out for breakfast, and then came back to the house for more gabfest.  Then we walked over to Philly again, took the PRT out to the west end of Philly, and waited two hours until Goodman and Jackson showed up.  Then the three of them drove on up to Hartford together.  They are both nice fellows, even if two hours late.  After leaving JH, I came back and went to the show.  Shirley Ross was the nuts, both voice and physique, and was on the stage.  Judy Canova and Annie and Zeke were also pretty good.  The orchestra was a cross between Alex’s ragtime and jitterbug Joe, and wasn’t too good, although rather torrid and excellent rhythm.  I then came home and hit the hay rather early.

Today didn’t go too well, but I’m not worried about it.  I expect to get my 10 week’s job finished in 5 weeks.  I don’t know what the hurry is, but I like to work that way when I can.

Easter was clear and cold and today was fair.  Tonight it is quite warm, almost like a summer night.  I can foresee great difficulty in working and studying under such pleasant weather this summer.

JH made a bit hit with the folks here.  My tea-room gang thought he was my twin brother!

We’re getting closer, Honey!  Yipee!  With all my love, Cy.

P.S.  John says please don’t send him anything for his birthday, and I know he will feel better if you don’t.  I invited him to our house for dinner for the first birthday he has after we get our house, and he says that will be ok. I shall probably see him in NYC the 20th.  Tell Bill.

*Johny Huntoon

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