1939 April 8 Long distance calling

Editor’s historical note: From April 7-12  Italy invaded Albania in one of the early chess moves of the prelude to WWII.  This gave Italy greater control over the shipping lanes and access to the Adriatic sea.



Gee, I feel flat today after last night.  Sort of like an inner tube with no air in it.  But it was glorious while it lasted, wasn’t it?

I suppose I am a rat, but I have been brewing things with Maw Huntoon for at least a couple of weeks, and making silly excuses to you.  Honey, I’ll never forget the thrill I got out of hearing your voice.  I’ve been waiting for it ever since I got out here.  Well baby, we have that to look forward to again in the future, maybe in another six weeks or so.

I had been sitting in the living room gloating over myself when the phone rang.  I answered, and it was John!  Gee, I wish I had known it, we could have made a three-way conference out of it.  He was in Baltimore and is due to arrive here for the rest of the weekend apparently on the 1:20 train.  He was awfully disappointed to hear that I had already called, as he thought I might not call until today, or possibly later in the evening.

Well, I’m glad my little girl had a happy birthday.  Here’s hoping that it is the last one that we shall spend apart.

I got up this morning at 6 and worked until noon on some work connected with treatment for infantile paralysis.  This is strictly on the qt.  I’ll explain the connection when I see you.  I was permitted to act as a consultant on the engineering end of the device.  Looks good, but forget it for a while at least.

If JH stays over tomorrow, we shall go see the Oklahoma Kid, with his consent.  Stage has Shirley Ross, somebodyorothers orchestra, and Judy Canova with Annie and Zeke.  It should be amusing.

It must be almost Easter, for the weather here is clouding up.  Speaking of which, thanks for the sweet card.

Margaret must have a date tonight.  Was just interrupted by about a bushel of flowers and a corsage being delivered.  Nobody is home but Grampa, and he isn’t so spry.

Darling, if I ever had any doubts, which I didn’t, they would have been completely shattered by your little voice last night.  You certainly gave yourself away, hi.

Will write about the week-end later, and write Conk now.

Loads of love, Cy.

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