1939 March 28 “A swellegant steak dinner”


Hi Tootsy Gal:

Aw I full!  I just had a swellegant steak dinner at my customary restaurant.

I didn’t get to read your letter this afternoon until about an hour after I got home, as an insurance salesman was waiting for me when I arrived.  Was I peeved.  I enjoyed talking with him, but I was seriously tempted to tell him to go soak his head until I had read my mail.  He didn’t even try to sell me any insurance, as the blokes out there generally do on the first meeting, but is going to drop around again in a couple of months.  Perhaps I can do him some good then.  Company is Provident Mutual of Philly.

So the Battle-axe cornered you.  It’s lucky I wasn’t along, for I would have been moved to mayhem or worse.

Ma Huntoon certainly has been nice to my baby since I left that region.  I think maybe she likes you, a little.  I can’t make any promises on the phone call just yet, for it may be later than the 7th.  Indications are that I may go down to Aikens that week-end, leaving here on Friday night, to do a little paper research on this pet problem of mine.

Today at the office went a little better than last week.  I am apparently being given a rather free hand with the remainder of the design of this present job.  I guess I told you that the place was reorganized Monday afternoon, with me in the government receiver group.  Please forget all of this, for although we aren’t told to suppress it, it is highly desirable to so do.

Played ping pong for an hour yesterday in the A.A. rooms (Company sponsored).  Saw Fast and Loose on Sunday night with Robert Montgomery and Rosalind Russell, I think.  It was quite good and hope you see it.  Played cards with Grandma Brooks, Margaret, and another school teach friend of hers.  Made 808 for three rubbers at auction.  High was 818.

Jack sent me a couple of books, one on ethics and the other on etiquette, and also about 50 of the enclosed.  Sweet of her.  She always looks out for little brother, although it is sometimes amusing.

Not much more, so I shall stop before I become dull.

More love than I can show just now, darling.  Cy

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