1939 March 9 Still Hoping for Wings


My Baby:

My mail is usually on the hall table, but today it was on the steps leading up to the third floor.  When I first walked in, I kidded myself into believing that I didn’t have any, as I really didn’t expect any.  You can imagine how happy I was to find your letter and a postcard from Aiken confirming our week-end date.  I wasn’t going to answer your letter until tomorrow, but I found that I hadn’t written you yesterday, and I can’t neglect my Darling that way.

Betty is an awful cute baby.  Jimmy is a rascal, but being my first grandchild, I can’t keep from loving him.  When Bill gets some good pictures of Betty, tell him he has to send me copies or I’ll treat him as n “and shoot ‘em down with rifles.”

‘Sfunny.  I dreamed about you on Monday night also.  Woke up about midnight, and didn’t get to sleep until about 4 A.M.  Boy, did I look terrible Tuesday and Wednesday!  I guess I do miss you—a little bit.

Find out from Nena when Mother’s Birthday is.  I’ll have some spare cash about the fifteenth, and I’ll send you a fiver.  You can either spend it in whole or in part and slip in a couple of bills in the card.  I want it to be from us, so I shall get a card out here and sign it.  Then I will send it to you and you can sign it and get a present or whatever seems desirable.

Ok on JH’s apology.  It is just like him—and me.

Let’s forget WPK*  now that we have it all set.  It isn’t a pleasant subject.

Your longhand is keen.  I can read every word of it without any effort.

I think you did well on the insurance policy.  Let’s forget everything connected with the past two years.  The financial loss is negligible.

Well let’s see.  What’s new here.

I received the customary form letter from the Army Air Corps yesterday informing me that I had missed the boat for the March class and that they hoped next time etc.  I shall quote one part.

“However, if the expected expansion of the Air Corps materializes, flying cadet classes will be greatly enlarged and undoubtedly all available qualified candidates will be assigned to school immediately.”

I shall not mention this to anyone else.  If this should occur in the near future, which it may, I shall talk it over with you and see what’s what. It may possibly be a wise move if it comes after I have saved enough for a part of my college.  I might conveniently flunk out just before graduation and get the training without having the two years service.  Or I might get transferred to the War College and finish my EE work.  It has enough possibilities so that I shall not just chuck it because of my present position.  I won’t do anything without your advice, darling, so don’t worry.

I wrote to John and Blenda about two days back and told them where I was and that I was settled etc.  I stated that I hoped to be out of debt by the end of June.  I expect to be out sooner than that, but there is no point in letting them know it.  If anything should happen, I should only disappoint them again like I did last fall.  I told them not to even count on the June date as I hadn’t been here long enough to accurately budget the situation.

Bought a book a couple of days ago, “The Ends of the Earth,” by Roy Chapman Andrews.  It is a travel-exploration-biography.  Awfully interesting, more so because I have read other books of his, and have talked to him in person.  He lectured at Purdue during my frosh year and I went up on the stage afterwards.  I hope to build up the makings of a library in the next year.  For one thing, IF I go back to PU, they have a library contest every year, first prize being $100.  If I could cinch that, it would more than repay me for the cost of the books, as well has having them and having read them in the bargain.  Anyhow, who knows?  Maybe I’ll want a library for other reasons some day.  (where did that “maybe” come from?).

The RCA yet loves me, and I believe I can keep them that way.

The RCA Victor factory complex, Camden, NJ

Spent last evening reading the Reader’s Digest and listening to the radio.  Maybe I shall be able to get one for the room later on.  The RCA is selling some $30 five-tube gadgets for $13, to employees of course.  I shall investigate.  That wouldn’t go too badly in what I hope to be my next home.  I can use the set downstairs, but it is lousy, and I don’t like to impose on the Brooks, although they seem to enjoy having me do it.

Well, it is only 5 o’clock.  But I have a good deal to do.  I brought some stuff home from the plant.  It isn’t quite clear and I shall mull over it tonight and be the bright-eyed boy tomorrow.  Of course, I may be just tired tomorrow and know no more than I do now.

Lots of what it takes from your lil boy.  Cy

*Marty’s estranged husband, William P. Kennedy.

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