1939 February 26 “How helpless I feel without you”


Camden, NJ, 4:30 P.M.

Martha Baby:

Yes, I know.  I’m not supposed to be writing you today.  But this gives me more enjoyment than anything else I do, almost like talking to you, I just can’t resist.  I’ll promise not to write you any more letters like the one I wrote yesterday if you’ll promise never to put chain letters in the ones you write to me.  In any case, warn me a couple of letters ahead.  I’m afraid I was a little disappointed when I opened a nice juicy letter to find only four sentences to me.

Well, now, what have I been doing with myself.  You know I don’t work Saturdays.  I filed all of my back personal correspondence believe it or not, and with a few exceptions, have a separate folder for each surname, Huntoon etc.  Business correspondence will be similarly treated later on.  I’m going to miss not having you to read my mail.  I rather enjoyed it.  While I’m on the subject, I bought a card box and index and cards as per the enclosure.  All personal correspondent’s addresses etc. are recorded as indicated and filed behind their respective alphabetical index card.  This should help my honey when she handles all of my mail (will you?).  I shall try to keep it up to date for you.  The business correspondence will be similarly treated as indicated on the other side of the card.  Also, I bought an “Eveready” desk calendar, a page of which is enclosed, which looks a little as shown to the right.

Cy’s calendar illustration from original letter

We can get renewals every year and it will look nice on our desk. These may seem like unnecessary expenditures, but I couldn’t go on never knowing what day or date it was, and looking through a ream or two of correspondence for an address.

Yesterday, I walked over to Philly and back.  After walking around the town for over an hour, I stopped in a drugstore for lunch.  Boy, when I sat down, I thought I was in a harem.  It looked like the office girls of Philly were having a convention.  I liked to think that my girl was someplace having as good a time.  Pretty soon they all cleared out, and it looked like the “Amalgamated office Boys of Peoria” or something.  When I got home, I popped my honey’s picture up on the other pillow and took a nap.  Then I studied, ate supper, and studied until bed time.

Incidentally, just after supper, I called one of these fellows whom Bob Burk’s friend mentioned to me and I am meeting him over in Philly Tuesday.  He sounded over the phone like a well-cultured person.  I hope so.  Will let you know about Wednesday.

I got up at 7:30 this morning, ate, & studied until noon.  Then I ate again and went to see “Jesse James” –the show, not in person.  I got there a little early and they were having trouble with the sound system.  Maybe I’m wrong, but the difficulty was obvious just from the noise it made.  But I controlled myself and they finally got it fixed.  About that time, the lady next to me decided to move over.  She forgot I was there, and deposited all two hundred pounds in my lap.  Was her face red (and was I surprised).  She was most grateful when I volunteered to move over, but a little insulted when I moved over two seats.  Then the gal in the picture reminded me of you and a gal sat down in front of me with a hairdo just like yours.  But finally there was enough shootin’ so I got unblue again.  But it taint the same without your little hand to hold.

You’d better still love me because I’ve never written letters like this before.  But if I wasn’t so darned sure that you did love me, I wouldn’t commit myself so plainly.  But please be careful of them.  If            anything screwy goes on, you had better send them to Johny for safe keeping.  That would be even better than sending them back to me.

I will have worked one week when payday gets here.  The following is self explanatory:

Expenses 1 week.  $15

Weeks to Payday approx  1

Approx expenses to payday  $15

Cash on hand  $38

Balance next payday $23 + $40 paycheck.

Which says I’m ok to next payday.

If We are paid once a month, I’ll have $60 expenses and $60 cash (approx.) which is a close squeeze.  But if we’re paid twice a month, I’ll be sitting pretty.

Why did I bring this up?  Well simply this.  If I get paid twice a month which is probable, I think I shall be able to afford something rash.  First, I’ll see John next week-end.  Secondly, if I know exactly where and when you will be the following week-end, (11th & 12th) I am going to call you on the phone.  By making a schedule by mail, we can avoid “person-to-person” rates.  If I call late, after 7:30 I believe, we get a further reduction.  And, honey child, if I have the money, two or three dollars is nothing compared to the hell I’ve gone through without your voice and your giggle.  I think we can well afford 3 minutes once a month.  Perhaps the best bet is for you to be at Huntoons.  If you are sure you’ll be there, I will not call person to person and thus no one will be the wiser.  You can wait for the call either upstairs in the bed-room or down in John’s room.  Lemme know what you think.  Of course, it all depends on the pay check.  In any case, I will definitely call you within 6 weeks.  I know I can’t hold out longer than that.

24 more days honey.  Everyone is pulling for us so let’s be careful.  It will simplify matters to have me out of town.  My baby’s just got to hold together until it’s all over, then we can be ourselves again.  Don’t do anything Burns doesn’t think wise and don’t give the old battle-axe a chance to do anything.

Baby girl, I love you so much I could never express it on paper.  You will never know how helpless I feel without you.  Just the realization that I can’t snuggle down in your arms and talk things over with you leaves me with a most helpless feeling.  Perhaps someday I can repay you for your help and guidance.

I suppose it is time to eat and then study some more.  I have a lot of that to do this winter.  I honestly feel that I could do it better if I had you with me.

I shall feel a lot happier a month from now if am then sure that I have made the grade with the RCA.  So far, I seem to be doing ok.

Keep a stiff upper lip, darling, and I’ll be with you as soon as we can.

Love with a vengeance.  Your-lil Boy, Cy

P.S. The mill should be here tomorrow, I hope!

P.S. #2 This was going to be a short line!

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